Saturday, September 12, 2020



If you are a Bangladeshi, you may hear the question, what is your priority ?-your Muslim identity or your Bangladeshi identity or your Bengali identity.
first of all, for me they are not conflicting, I may have several identities at a time if they are not conflicting with each other. if any conflict arises I will choose my Muslim identity first, then my Bangladeshi identity and subsequently Bengali identity. now obviously many men will have many minds and I cannot force anyone to choose my way and anyone should not force me to choose their way.
now come to the logic behind my judgment. per my opinion, I am a purposeful creation as a human by almighty Allah, and Islam is the only way of living(Deen) approved by whatever the condition my loyalty and duty towards almighty Allah will be my first consideration.i should follow Quran and authentic hadith above should keep in mind that Allah did not make border among countries, its the people who made borders among the countries and which is changing continuously throughout history. but it should be kept in mind that my relation with Allah(creation and creator) will not change over time. in the Afterlife, we will be asked about our duty towards Allah and towards his creations .we will not be asked about our national identity or identity based on language or culture. come to the second point, what should we choose between Bangladeshi and Bengali identity?in my opinion, we should choose Bangladeshi identity first because Bengali identity is based on language .suppose English language is spoken as an official language in many parts of the world, but all do not belong to the English nation. of course, our language is our pride, but people speaking another language in our country(Bangladesh) is nearer to us than those who speaking Bangla but not belongs to the same country(eg.west Bengal,asam,  etc.)though we shared the same culture for a long period of time. regarding culture, we should keep in mind that culture is a continuous phenomenon and it is always evolving .in my opinion Islam has shown the richest culture in human history and by the time it will infiltrate in all culture . (because it is very much true that strong and logical cultures will always predominate among the minor culture.) can bring a question that what was the ideology behind our liberation war in 1971 ? in my opinion our liberation in 1971war was a war between the oppressed /persecuted vs oppressor /persecutor.religion was not an issue there at all.

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