Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Bangladesh constitution,what's lacking?

Bangladesh constitution, what's lacking?

1. Let's look at the US constitution, how they make checks and balances between three branches of govt-legislative, judiciary, and administration.

there are no such checks and balances in the Bangladesh constitution. in the state matters, the prime minister has power near to the god.president has no absolute power.

2.article 70, prevents a member of parliament to vote against his own party in most of the case.

3.a prime minister in Bangladesh can rule for lifelong if he /she elected in every general election held in every five years whereas 
In the United States, the president of the United States is elected indirectly through the United States Electoral College to a four-year term, with a term limit of two terms (totaling eight years). this is very important because if you have a chance to rule for lifelong, you will try to do it by manipulating elections or by other means.

4. local government system is not well described in the Bangladesh constitution. 

5.there are very few provisions to accommodate scholars and technocrats in the governments but it is not pace with a world based on knowledge and technology, it is very important.

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