Sunday, December 22, 2019



Society of Bangladesh is deeply divided from inside. politicians made it and they want to keep it as well because of financial gain.
To be true, political structures and institutions are now not functioning, and the politicians don't want to see it functioning.
we speak the same language, eat almost the same food, culture is also almost the same. But some people only focusing on differences
and aiding to divide society for their own financial and other gains. In the long run, this division will weaken national strength and it will be a failed state. So what to do? In these circumstances, all intellectuals should raise their voice in a peaceful manner. Everyone should tell white as white and black as black. Who is in power or who will come in power in future is no big deal. The big deal is making the proper institutions which can run independently and make the right decision without bias. many men many minds.its the beauty of democracy. once Voltaire said, I might disagree with your opinion but I am willing to give my life for your right to express it. Realizing this by heart will be the first step to come out of this division otherwise some neighbour and some insiders will use this division for their gain. I am not a supporter of martial law. politics and ideologies should be counter with politics and party system or martial law will not work in Bangladesh.polticians and public should understand it clearly. the early we will realize, the early we can recover.

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