Friday, October 11, 2019


                                  STUDENTS POLITICS- BANGLADESH CHAPTER

BUET  student Abrar Fahad’s killing reflects an utter "failure of Bangladesh government" to bring the people responsible for abusing power to justice, Human Rights Watch said 11 OCT 2019.
“A government that ignores torture, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings by security forces, and arbitrary arrests over dissent begets a culture where students can run a torture cell on a university campus,” said Brad Adams in a statement.
Bangladesh authorities should ensure a thorough, impartial, and transparent investigation into Abrar Fahad’s murder, and hold all those responsible to account, said Adams, executive director of HRW’s Asia Division.
“This deadly incident is not surprising. The Awami League government has long refused to hold Chhatra League supporters accountable for acts of violence and intimidation,” Adams said.
There are complaints of extortion, threatening false allegations, violent attacks around elections and even acting as vigilante law enforcers during the 2018 student protests, he said.
“Bangladesh should not be a Room 2011,” he said in the statement. (Daily star- Bangladesh newspaper report)
Abrar, a second-year student of Electrical and Electronic Engineering department of Buet, died after he was brutally beaten allegedly by some Chhatra League men at a room of the university’s Sher-e-Bangla Hall.
In the last 3 decades, student politics brought no good for the country, rather it acted as a weapon for ruling political parties.they committed numerous murders, assaults in almost everyday basis, they serve as a wing of political parties in almost all educational institutes, as well as they are related to economic crimes. There is no country in the world which has these kinds of student it is high time to ban all forms of student politics in Bangladesh. of course, students will think about the country's interest, they will give their valuable opinion on different matters, they will organise rallies, will be active part for good in national and international matters .but student wing of any political parties should be ban should be remembered that it is 2019 now and world has changed a lot and we are not digging field with cows now, we are using smart technology. if this kind of student politics sustain, many Abrar have to give life every day.

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