Sunday, June 2, 2019


                                              MAIN PROBLEMS IN BANGLADESH

Well, what is the main problem in Bangladesh .many men many minds? But I will say main problems in Bangladesh is right men are not in the right place, suppose who are lawmakers are not well qualified to do this, who are teachers are not well qualified, technical positions in ministries are held or lead by the nontechnical person.suppose who studied  microbiology working in land administration and so on .someone will say the main problem is countries huge population, well this could also be encountered if right people were appointed in family planning dept .some will say corruption is the main problem ,but I will say, right people were not appointed in anticorruption units.
yes, of course, there is a tendency in people to become rich within a day .but to check this there are institutions like police dept, but they are not adequately vigilant.

another problem is, a big percentage of govt officials do not do their job properly, which culture has been transmitted throughout the seems to be, no one takes responsibility for his own plain word people not doing things properly for which they are paid for .it is seen more in the educated portion of society. lower income people inarguably have to work hard for their living.

another problem is the fragile democracy of the country, we all have to remember that no development will ultimately sustain without strong political institution.example is Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria .once upon a time these all were prosperous countries .as they had no strong political institutions this development ultimately not sustained.

no countries are out of problem .but question is how much these are? to make Bangladesh a better place to live than yesterday, two things are needed, one is a strong political will and another is to put right men in the right places.

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